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What Are the Benefits of HubSpot for Property Management Automation?

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What Are the Benefits of HubSpot for Property Management Automation?

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We've been asked a few times why we built our property management automation systems on the HubSpot platform. There are many reasons—and one of them is the built-in reporting functions that HubSpot has. If you host your website on the HubSpot Content Management System (CMS) and use the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform, your marketing and operations automation for property management will leave little to the imagination.

Reporting is an essential part of most business operations. You need to know where you are going—and metrics are one way to predict future troubles before they start. In this blog, we'll cover some of the crucial reporting functions you can access in your HubSpot Marketing Portal.

The HubSpot Marketing Dashboard

The marketing dashboard comes preset with a default view that shows multiple reports. To access this dashboard, click on the HubSpot Sprocket in the top left of your portal.

HubSpot marketing dashboard screenshot.

The reports on the default marketing dashboard change depending on your subscription level. "Surface-level" reporting comes standard with the Basic HubSpot CRM. The Marketing Hub Professional and Enterprise level accounts go more in-depth.

The default reports for the Basic HubSpot CRM include:

  • Contact Created by Day: Select a date range to see the contacts created on each day.
  • Contacts Overview: Select a date range for an overview of your contacts with a total in that range, the average number of contacts created per time period in that range, and contacts created in the highest performing time period in your range.
  • New Contacts by Source: This allows you to see the contacts you've created based on the source (Facebook, for example).
  • Most Recently Created Contacts: Maybe you only need to see data for your most recently created contacts during a specific period. This option allows you to do so quickly.
  • Returning Contacts: This option allows you to identify data from contacts who have visited your site multiple times. These are your contacts with the highest level of engagement and should be a priority.

If you have Marketing Hub Professional or Enterprise, you also gain access to the following composite reports:

  • Marketing Performance: This report shows sessions, contacts, and customers per date range.
  • Landing Page Performance: A report showing views, submissions, views to submissions rate, and new contacts created in a date range.
  • Top Landing Pages: These are your best performing landing pages by views and views to submission (conversion) rate.
  • Blogging Performance: Total views, AMP views, and bounce rate for all blogs during a selected date range.
  • Top Blog Posts: This option highlights your best-performing blogs by views.
  • Email Performance: This shows the number of sent, opened, and clicked emails, along with the click rate.
  • Top Emails: Quickly see your top five emails by open rate. However, you can also sort by click rate and click-through rate.
  • Contact Performance: This shows your leads, marketing qualified leads, and customers for a time period.
  • Top Personas: These are your top personas for a time period that have the most contacts attributed to them.

If these reports don't show you the data you would like to see, you can customize your dashboard by removing and adding reports until you have a view that works for you. HubSpot allows users to have up to 10 reports per dashboard.

The HubSpot Analytics Tools

HubSpot offers further analytics tools based on the level of subscription you have.

HubSpot analytics report selector dashboard.

Marketing Starter

The marketing starter analytics tools can be found under Reports → Analytics. Marketing starter gives you two views: traffic analytics and website analytics.

  • Traffic analytics digs in to show you where your traffic is coming from, as well as the topics and campaigns that are bringing traffic to your website. This view focuses on your whole site and how traffic relates to it.
  • Website analytics lets you look at your blog, landing pages, and website pages separately, so you can track the performance of page types.

Marketing Hub Professional

Marketing Hub Professional gives you the marketing starter reports and two additional reports, campaign analytics, and contact analytics.

  • Campaign analytics shows you the traffic and conversions from the assets you launch that is tied to a particular campaign so you can measure the effectiveness of your campaigns.
  • Contact analytics lets you dig into where your contacts are coming from, showing you the type of access and even the URL or keywords that led them to your website (when known).

There are further reports that can be found in the Analytics menu that are available when you have the associate function. These include:

  • Sales Content Analytics: Track the success of your sequences and sales documents.
  • Sales Team Productivity: Track emails sent, tasks, meetings, and conversations to ensure your sales team is meeting their goals.
  • Service Team Productivity: When you implement ticketing, this is a great way to get a high-level overview of the service team.

HubSpot has a wealth of data in many formats to help you track the effectiveness of your inbound marketing efforts. Take this data and make decisions based on facts instead of feelings—and you'll see your marketing efforts pay off!

Geekly Media includes monthly reporting with our inbound marketing packages, so you know how well your property management marketing is performing. If you would like to learn more, please schedule a consultation! We'll get to know you and your business to see if our solutions are a good fit for you.

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