Using YouTube for Property Management SEO
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Using YouTube for Property Management SEO
YouTube is a great resource for property management marketing when used correctly. This is common knowledge among marketers—and even non-marketers—across every industry, not just property management!
That said, video is increasingly dominating media as the most-consumed marketing content. This makes engaging with your potential clients through video a tool property management companies can't afford to ignore. Video is also great for your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts!
In today's article, we'll show you how you can use YouTube to boost your property management SEO as a company by taking advantage of all your website and marketing efforts have to offer!
Step One: Create a YouTube Account
If you haven't already set up a YouTube account for your property management business, that is step one. Here are our top tips for setting up your YouTube account for results.
- Use 'common-sense SEO' (use keywords in your account name and description).
- Be sure to complete everything, including filling out the 'About Us' section.
- Use keyword tags for your channel, not just your videos.
Step 2: Plan Your Video Strategy
There are two types of videos that are both very easy to make that happen to be great for property management SEO efforts.
Blog Videos
Make a video for every blog you post: The content is already created; now you just have to speak it! This gives visual and auditory learners your same content in a format they'll be more eager to consume. As with any video, be sure you have sufficient lighting, sound, and are in a location that isn't going to detract from your message.
Blog videos should include:
- An interest-catching opener: You usually have only 15 seconds to grab someone's attention before they click away.
- Your keywords used in the content of the video: Use the same keywords you're prioritizing in the blog in the video content. Search can and does crawl videos for terms.
- Your keywords in the title, tags, and description: This will help the SEO of the video itself, which in turn helps you.
- An optimized video description: This is more than just keywords; this is the place where you put links to your site, key sources for information, calls to action, and more. Your video description is great real estate!
Listings Videos
You don't need to have top-of-the line-tech to make property listings videos; you just need a smartphone and an available rental! Have your listing agent record a detailed walkthrough of the property and use that video as part of your overall marketing plan.
Listing videos should include:
- An informative opener: Include the property address and listing description in the opener, then be sure to reinforce those terms.
- Your company name and information: Be sure to include your company information in the video both for SEO and to make it as easy as possible for interested renters to contact you. This also keeps scammers from ripping off your hard work by hijacking your listings.
- Your keywords in the title, tags, and description: This will help the SEO of the video itself, which in turn helps you.
- An optimized video description: This is still a crucial detail in your listing videos, too! Don't skip this free opportunity to boost your SEO.
Step 3: Post Your Videos
Post your videos for maximum exposure. Add links to your listing videos to the listings themselves, embed the blog videos in your blog posts, and get creative where you use this content.
Both blog videos and listing videos are great material for social media posts and should be syndicated through all of your social channels. When you do use social media, be sure to use those keywords yet again to bolster your property management SEO.
Why Does It Work?
So this is all pretty simple—and a lot of you probably already have something similar running—but maybe you don't know why it works. When you understand why it works, it makes it easier for you to create videos that will get better results and draw traffic you can convert.
Ultimately, it all boils down to relevance and a great user experience. Google and other search engines want to provide the best answer to a query, and they use user behavior to determine whether they got it right.
- Time on page spent watching your videos tells Google whether the user found the answer to their question. When a user doesn't find what they're looking for, they'll hit the back button super quick.
- When someone finds your blog or your property listing and stays long enough to find your video, your video is going to get them to stay even longer.
- The longer the user stays, the better: Google will see that they're consuming all of the content—thus, it must be very relevant.
Your keyword use is another way to signal this. By using the keywords in the video, the description, on the page itself, and in social posts, it becomes very clear what the topic of the content is—and thus makes it easier to rank for those terms.
For more about SEO and ranking, check out our other blogs!
Geekly Media Knows the Power of Video Media
If you want blog video support as part of your marketing offerings, it's time to get in touch with us! Geekly Media offers video as part of our Property Management Marketing Automation agreements! It's just another way we help you take your marketing efforts to the next level in the competitive property management industry.
People are visually driven; give them what they're asking for!