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Your Guide to Everything Property Management SEO

We've written a few blogs on property management SEO, so we thought it would be a good time for an 'SEO roundup' where we gather the best of our SEO information in one place for your convenience. If you're new to the scene, you may be wondering, 'What is SEO?'

SEO is Search Engine Optimization, or the art of making your property management website something that search engines want to display when someone is searching. SEO used to be about using the 'right' search term on your page more than anyone else, but as technology has advanced, the elements that lead a page to rank have become far more complicated.

Web Design for SEO


Web design isn't just for looks! Ensuring that your property management website is informative, responsive, AND beautiful is just some of what a good property management website needs to be. From the bones up, your site should be focused on a great experience for the end-user. 

You'll also want to pay attention to:

  • Speed: A slow website is a sure way to ruin other SEO efforts.
  • Your site structure: Information should never be more than three clicks from home.
  • Your components: Your meta, URL, and accessibility elements are all relevant.
  • How functional your site is: User experience across devices will affect your website's rating on search engines.

A property management website that is both user friendly and fast will help not only your SEO but your leads as well.

Not sure how the end-user feels about your site? Ask them! Using heatmapping or on-page surveys will help you get user input that could identify things that are easy to miss on the other side.

Check out these posts for more informative reading on property management SEO:
Picture of Heather Park
Heather Park Dec 26, 2019   |   icon 3 min read

Your URL Isn't Useless! Property Managers Need to Structure Their URL for SEO

Whether your property management business is new or not, if you’ve done the work to put together a marketing strategy, you’ve encountered the concept ...
Picture of Heather Park
Heather Park Mar 21, 2019   |   icon 6 min read

User Compatibility Is Key to SEO With Multiple vs. Single Sites

Search Engine Optimization or SEO for your website is just as much about user-friendliness as it is about your website “talking” to search engines ...
Picture of Heather Park
Heather Park Jul 20, 2020   |   icon 6 min read

Redesigning Your Property Management Website for SEO

Maintaining your online presence is far from a "set-it-and-forget-it" choice. Perhaps your website was cutting-edge ten or more years ago—but if you ...
Picture of Heather Park
Heather Park Jul 2, 2024   |   icon 4 min read

Must-Have SEO for Powerful Property Management Website Design

Published November 8, 2019. Updated July 1, 2024. Having an excellent website no one sees is like dumping money into a burning bucket. Your property ...

Using Your Property Management Content for SEO


While not weighted as highly as user experience, your content is a key player in your property management SEO strategy. Content answers the questions that rental property owners are searching on the net, making your site relevant and helpful. Content also has a ton of contextual clues that help search engines know what your site is about.

Your main page content, landing page content, and blogs all play a role in SEO. Even the content that is not hosted on your site plays a part: links to your site and their text are a huge SEO booster. How do you get SEO content right?

  • Don't only use exact keywords; use plenty of contextual keywords.
  • Don't stuff keywords—this will hurt you.
  • Ensure your content is informative, well researched, and long enough to thoroughly cover the entire topic.
  • Include internal and external links to more information to educate and enrich your visitors.

In the end, content should be helpful: if an owner isn't going to learn something new about your business or being an investor, rethink the content.

You can learn more about how to build your property management website for SEO by checking out these articles!
Picture of Heather Park
Heather Park Nov 27, 2020   |   icon 3 min read

Using YouTube for Property Management SEO

YouTube is a great resource for property management marketing when used correctly. This is common knowledge among marketers—and even ...
Picture of Heather Park
Heather Park Dec 4, 2020   |   icon 3 min read

Using Property Listings on Your Website to Boost SEO

Traditionally, all of the SEO created from property listings goes to sites like Zillow,, and their competition. When it isn't captured by ...
Picture of Heather Park
Heather Park Jun 20, 2023   |   icon 5 min read

Crucial Content You Need for Effective Property Management Websites

Published October 14, 2019 Updated June 20, 2023 If you run a property management company, you may wonder: what are some best practices for property ...

Avoiding Common SEO Mistakes


When working on your SEO, it is smart to pay attention to what hurts SEO as well as what helps it. If you don't look for the things that will hurt, you could be spinning your wheels for a long time. What hurts SEO?

  • Duplicate or stolen content: When something isn't unique enough, Google won't index it because they aren't sure what content deserves ranking.
  • Poor user experience: Links that hop around as the page loads and images that slow down that page entirely.
  • Anything 'Black-Hat SEO': If it feels like cheating, it is—don't do it!
Check out this post for more information!
Picture of Heather Park
Heather Park Mar 26, 2020   |   icon 4 min read

What Is Negative SEO? Damage to Your Property Management Marketing

Despite all of your best SEO strategies and tactics, something strange seems to be happening to your website and your search rankings. Your search ...

Putting It All Together


At the end of the day, if you focus on good property management website design (and content that is helpful and informative), you're on the right track!

You don't always have to be an 'SEO expert' to do a good job. When you host your website on a content management system (CMS) like HubSpot, there are tools that help you learn SEO as you go—so you can ensure that every new page you add to your site is optimized just right for SEO.


The Property Manager’s Guide to SEO

Ready to see more traffic and qualified leads to your company’s website? We’ve compiled an expert resource that walks business owners through critical aspects of on-page and off-page SEO to boost traffic and rankings for search engine results!

Download The Guide

Help your team create optimized content

Using tools like this helps your team create optimized content with an automated system checking the boxes for you. This way, even if the person posting is having a bad day, you've got built-in checks!

The Geekly Media team is an expert in property management SEO. If you have questions or want an audit of your website, we can run that for you and let you know what needs improvement—and what you're already doing well! Just click below to schedule a discovery call and request your audit.
