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Property Management Marketing: 5 Fast Landing Page Rules

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Property Management Marketing: 5 Fast Landing Page Rules

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A landing page is one tool in your digital property management marketing toolkit that helps amp up the power of your property management website. Most of your website is built to educate and inform your visitors. A landing page is built specifically for turning those visitors into leads—so you want to be sure you use best practices to make it happen!

Here are five fast rules for landing pages that convert from the experts at Geekly Media.

1. Have a Good Content Offer

The entire point of a landing page is to get a conversion, and this generally means you are going to make a trade: your offer in exchange for a user's information. The offer can be an ebook, checklist, or video—but whatever it is, it needs to have value to your user. Why? For a few reasons.

  • One, a visitor isn't going to give you their information for nothing.
  • Two, if they do give you their information and don't find what they were expecting, they are going to lose any trust they may have had.
  • Three, something valuable is more likely to be shared—and thus bring in more leads.
Landing Page. Green Arrows with Slogan on a Grey Background Indicate the Direction.-1

2. Have a Form That Makes Sense

Don't ask for too much information, but don't ask for too little. Your form should have enough information for your business development expert to call and make the sale. Since your foot is already in the door with your content offers, a lot of owners are ready to make a decision pretty quickly. 

Not all owners are, though—so this is where a little sophistication comes in. If you use HubSpot as part of your property management marketing automation, you can do some pretty neat things like use lead scoring and smart forms. Smart forms allow you to ask for different information from a lead based on where they are in the buyer's journey, or what information they have previously submitted. 

Say you have a lead who submitted their name and phone number already, but they aren't ready to buy yet. The next question you probably want to ask is, 'When are they looking to buy?'

  • Using smart content, you can change the forms they see to ask for that information instead of their name and phone number. This lets you gather the information from the lead piece by piece.
  • Once you've collected it all, you're ready to make the sale from a much more informed position.

3. Persuasive Writing

A landing page shouldn't be boring! You don't want one that is too long or too short, as Goldilocks would say, it needs to be 'just right.'

What does 'just right' look like? A few persuasive paragraphs and some bullets for the reader who likes to skim. The point of the content is to remove any last doubts or objections and really sell the content offer so you get the conversion, not to write a novel or go too far in selling your expertise in the form of a sales brochure.

If your reader finds everything they were looking for, why would they give you their information? They might be ready to sign on but get called by a competitor who gated their content, so you lose the sale before you had a chance to get it.

4. Use Images (When Appropriate)

This is a great time to let an image be worth a thousand words! Show a sample of what the user is getting or even images of testimonials from other happy clients to reinforce trust with your property management marketing. Of course, this doesn't always apply if the image is going to give away 'the goods,' so try to think creatively about how you can use the design of the page to lead the user's eye to the form and conversion.

Not sure what image to use? Run an A/B test to determine which version of your landing page converts better.

AB Test Concept. Closeup Landing Page on Laptop Screen in Doodle Design Style. On Background of Comfortable Working Place in Modern Office. Blurred, Toned Image. 3d Render.

5. Remove Navigation

Of course, someone can hit the back button to leave your landing page, you can't stop that. What you do want to stop is them seeing another link they want to click and abandoning your offer out of further curiosity. Removing links helps direct your user to conversion. You can always add links back to your thank you page, and you should! Direct your user to the next part of your site that is going to help them solve their problems, such as your blog or another content offer.

We know landing pages at Geekly Media, and we know property management websites. If you'd like to learn how we can build you a powerful, customizable, and easy-to-use website in a matter of weeks, give us a call. Your website is almost always the first impression a potential client is going to have of your business, be sure it is representing you well and getting you the leads you need to grow.

Get in touch with us to learn more!

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