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How to Get More Traffic and Make More Sales Using Pay-Per-Click

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How to Get More Traffic and Make More Sales Using Pay-Per-Click

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Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising has become a beneficial aspect of a successful inbound marketing strategy. These advertisements appear on search engine results pages when prospective consumers type in the terms you've selected in the search box. This means your ads reach consumers looking for exactly what you sell—and the best part is that you only have to pay when a user clicks on your ad.

However, they aren't "magic" ads." To get the best ROI from your marketing budget, it's critical to create effective campaigns and target the right audience. You can improve your campaigns' efficiency by tracking your advertisements' results and adjusting your keywords, ads, and website.

That being said, PPC advertising offers a lot of opportunities for experimentation. In this blog, we'll discuss how you can get more traffic and make more sales from your website using PPC advertisements and how Google display ads grow marketing results for advertisers. However, let's start by understanding which platform is the best for running these ads.

How Google Ads Makes Use of The PPC Model

Google Ads is arguably one of the most notable PPC platforms in which advertisers pay for each ad impression their keywords receive.

Each time a user does a search, Google analyzes the list of advertisers who have submitted bids and picks a handful to showcase in the sponsored listings on the SERPs. They are selected based on a range of qualities, including the quality of the ad campaign and copy, its relevance to the keywords, and finally, the quantity of their bids on the keyword.

More specifically, it is based on an advertiser's Ad Rank, which is a statistic generated by multiplying two major elements: 

  • CPC (cost-per-click) Bid or the greatest amount an advertiser is prepared to spend 
  • Quality Score, or a score given to your campaign based on your CTR (clickthrough rate), landing page quality, ad copy, and other factors. 

Your Quality Score directly influences your CPC. Using this technique, winning advertisers can target potential consumers at a price that suits their budget.

Why You Should Invest In PPC Marketing

It's possible to use pay-per-click marketing to promote a wide range of businesses and to achieve multiple targets, from e-commerce sales to increasing brand recognition to driving foot traffic and phone calls to a physical location.

Moreover, you have a wide range of alternatives for displaying your advertisements. The following options are the most prominent.

PPC Ads in Search Engines

Marketers can target buyers based on the terms they type into the search box with search engine advertising (SEM or SEA). 

According to GoGulf, 46% of Google searches seek local information. So, for example, by bidding on the keyword "buy red shoes near me," shoe brands can directly reach people who are actively looking to purchase shoes from a local shop. This auction-based PPC approach is used by major search engines such as Google and Bing.

PPC Ads on Social Networks

Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads, two of the most popular social media advertising platforms, both provide pay-per-click possibilities.

Ads appearing in the user's news feed or a side column are examples of this advertising strategy. PPC advertising may be targeted to specific groups of people and demographics by using social network data. This criteria selection gives social media ads a significant advantage over other channels. 

PPC Display Ads

Paid per click advertising is also used to promote a brand's services or products on websites where the audience is likely to be interested in seeing them. The display ads Google offers are extremely popular and effective.

If done correctly, a display ad campaign may be quite beneficial, but you must be careful not to fall into the trap of invasive advertising. Moreover, you should also keep in mind that the clickthrough rate on display advertising through Google is relatively low compared to others mentioned in this list. So, a larger audience is required if you want a substantial ROI.

Managing Your Pay-Per-Click Campaigns

There's no doubt that keyword research for your ad campaign can be taxing, but its importance for successful pay-per-click campaigns cannot be overstated. 

Using keywords is the foundation of your whole PPC campaign. Hence, marketers must keep expanding and enhancing the keyword list as long as the ad runs. To accomplish this, you can use multiple tools, including Google Keyword Planner. 

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Without taking steps to optimize your ad on an ongoing basis, your site could lose out on hundreds and thousands of important long-tail, affordable, and directly relevant keywords if you simply conduct keyword research once while creating your initial campaign. 

When thinking through your next ad campaign, keep a few parameters in mind to create an effective keyword list.

Choose Relevant Keywords

Web traffic that is not relevant to your organization should be avoided when it comes to PPC campaigns. Instead, marketers should strive to achieve a high PPC clickthrough rate, a low CPC, and greater profitability from each ad. To meet these goals, conduct extensive keyword research and bid on the words most closely connected to your products or services.

Monitor Continuous Growth and Updates

PPC is an evolving strategy. As your campaigns develop and evolve, ensure that your keyword list continually adjusts and expands. However, it isn't just about adding new keywords. As part of your PPC keyword strategy, it's essential to do regular searches for "negative" keywords, which hide your advertising from users who are not likely to convert.

Create a Comprehensive List 

Long-tail keywords are just as important as the more popular ones when it comes to your niche's keyword research. Long-tail keywords, which are more particular and less frequent, make up most of the search-related traffic. As a result, they are less competitive, which means they tend to be cheaper while still having the potential to generate plenty of clicks and new leads.

Create an Effective Pay-Per-Click Campaign With Inbound Marketing Experts!

With pay-per-click advertising, you may see results in as little as a few hours or a few days. Pay-per-click advertising, combined with other long-term inbound marketing activities, is the ideal approach if you need more clients and traffic to your website right away.

Even though you'll have to pay for traffic, you'll have many choices over the platform you pick. You'll be able to monitor your ad's performance in real-time to make sure it's getting the attention and clicks it needs. In addition, ads can be paused, adjusted, or canceled at any moment if you're not happy with the results.

If you're wondering how Google display ads grow marketing results for advertisers or want to improve your existing PPC ad strategy, our experts at Geekly Media are here to help! Contact a Geek for a free consultation today!

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