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Facebook Ads for Property Management: How They Work for You

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Facebook Ads for Property Management: How They Work for You

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Originally Published: Feb 5, 2020

How often do you search online for a product or service—then find an ad for it waiting for you in your Facebook newsfeed? It can feel like the internet is eavesdropping on your life when you search for something in one place, and it appears everywhere else from then on. In a way, it's true: that's the power of using Facebook Ads as part of a robust property management marketing strategy.

Would you like your property management business to appear in the newsfeeds of high-quality leads? As of 2018, 68% of adults use Facebook more than any other social media platform. Facebook ads are an excellent way to broadcast to your audience—especially if you already have a social presence there as a company!

When incorporated into your inbound marketing strategy, targeted Facebook ads can boost your overall marketing effectiveness! Here's what property managers need to know when incorporating Facebook ads into your property management marketing campaigns.

facebook ads app

What Are Facebook Ads?

A solid inbound marketing strategy should include posting to social media platforms. Posting links or messages on your property management business page is free and helps generate organic traffic to your website.

  • When you utilize Facebook Ads for your business, you also have the opportunity to develop Facebook ad campaigns.
  • Facebook ads are simple to set up and launch.
  • They also provide plenty of flexibility to target your ad toward a specific audience that bests suits your business. 

With the right strategy in place, your Facebook Ads campaigns can generate additional qualified leads within your overall property management marketing strategy.

  • Before you click through to set up an ad campaign, do some preparation to make sure the ad is worth the money for each paid click.
  • Without a good strategy aligning with the rules of Facebook Ads, you'll spend money on a campaign that doesn't generate quality leads.

Let the Facebook Ads Manager Be Your Guide!

Using the Facebook Ads Manager is as easy as clicking through the options you want for your campaign. However, this can make it deceptively simple to get a quick ad campaign up and running through your Facebook business page. The downside of this for small property management businesses when it comes to your budget is that a little more time and forethought could help you target your ads more effectively!

Facebook provides access to three basic ad elements to help you track and organize your ads and campaigns to review different performance metrics. When it comes to property management marketing metrics, data can help drive your campaigns to new heights.

  1. Campaigns: Keep all of your promotional assets together in one place. Within a campaign, you can develop different ads or sets of ads. 
  2. Ad sets: This is your tool for targeting separate audiences with different characteristics. Set up different ad sets to target any variations for your different buyer personas
  3. Ads: These live within your ad sets. Use different copy, graphics, videos, or colors for different Facebook ads and track your results to see what works!

As you develop campaigns and ad sets, monitor the success of the ads that make up your campaigns. Promote a new offer or service through your property management business page to coincide with your ads. Use the ads within the campaign to attract qualified leads who will click through to get your offer!

What's the Point?

  • When you build a new ad or campaign, you decide what you want the ad to do for you.
  • Choose your objective for the ad, whether it's boosting your page, promoting your business locally, or generating new leads.
  • In most cases, you want to use your ads to generate new leads or send new visitors to a landing page within your website.

Knowing what purpose your ads are intended to serve is a critical choice to make when setting up your Facebook Ads campaign. That's why preparation and strategy are essential before clicking through the user-friendly Ads Manager.

Follow the Rules and Set Your Budget

Facebook provides ad dimensions and copy guidelines for their ads. Make sure your ad design incorporates these guidelines to help Facebook accept your ad. 

  • When choosing your ideal lead, be selective enough to create a more receptive audience for your ad.
  • Remember also to avoid being so restrictive that your ad never lands in anyone's newsfeed.
  • Choose a relevant location area: you don't want to pay for clicks from property owners who don't have properties near you!

Your Facebook Ads budget helps control your daily or lifetime spending for each ad. Spending too much can be a waste of money, while not providing enough budget can limit how many people see your ad.

browsing Facebook while having a cup of coffee

Facebook Ads Are Part of a Successful Online Marketing Strategy!

On their own, Facebook ads won't deliver the traffic or the leads you need to grow your property management business sustainable. However, within your overall property management marketing strategy, Facebook ads can boost an offer—and help you find leads that you might not find with social media presence alone.

We understand that property management marketing through social media using paid ads can be frustrating without the right approach to find qualified leads. Don't waste money on quick ads that don't work! When developing your property management marketing strategy, let Geekly Media help you create successful Facebook Ads campaigns.

Facebook Ads isn't the only tool you should consider for your property management marketing campaigns. You can also learn how to maximize Google Ads by downloading our FREE definitive guide to paid ads! This in-depth ebook will give you the information you need to start crafting quality campaigns.

Download Paid Ads: The Definitive Guide!

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