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Top Strategies for Roofing Contractor Marketing Success


As a roofing contractor, you understand the importance of finding new customers to grow your business. It's an industry that struggles to retain repeat customers often enough to sustain a business since most homeowners don't need a new roof or roofing repairs often, depending on how long they own a home.

Therefore, effective roofing marketing is a key element to constantly bringing new customers in the door to achieve your goals. However, with so many marketing strategies available, it can be challenging to know which ones to focus on, both offline and online.

In this guide, we will cover some of the most effective strategies for roofing contractor marketing success, focusing on offline efforts that can help support digital marketing for roofing companies. These tactics include networking, referrals, attending trade shows, pursuing business partnerships, direct mail, and more!

How to Network for Roofing Contractor Marketing


Networking can be an effective way to connect with potential customers and grow your business. It's also an ideal strategy to connect with similar or complementary businesses that can help you reach new audiences about your roofing services.

To build your networking skills, attend local events, such as business networking groups, community events, and industry conferences. Bring business cards and be prepared to talk about your services. Consider partnering with other local businesses, such as home improvement stores, to cross-promote your services.

Prepare for Trade Shows and Events

Attending trade shows and events can be a great way to connect with potential customers and industry professionals. Look for events that cater to homeowners, such as home and garden shows, as well as industry events.

Choose your level of participation, either as an attendee, to learn and meet people through networking. Or as an exhibitor or sponsor to make a bigger splash. Depending on your level of involvement, have promotional materials on hand, such as brochures and business cards, and be prepared to answer questions about your services.

Maximize Referral Marketing


Word-of-mouth referrals can be one of the most powerful marketing tools for roofing contractors. Referrals from partners (like homebuilders and real estate agents) can also be an excellent way to build your customer base.

Make sure customers and partners know about your referral program. Train your team to ask for referrals and encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on social media platforms and directories like Yelp, Google My Business, and Angi. Offering referral incentives, such as a discount on future services or a gift card, can also help motivate customers to refer their friends and family.

Remember to thank customers or partners that send new clients your way!

Partner with Real Estate Agents

Real estate agents can be a valuable source of referrals for roofing contractors. Partner with local agents by offering to provide roofing inspections for their clients. You can also offer special discounts or incentives to agents who refer customers to your business.

Provide your partner agents with marketing materials, such as brochures and business cards, to help promote your services.

However, real estate professionals aren't the only complementary business partnerships you should consider. For example, connect with home builders and construction contractors to gain more referrals for your roofing business.

Connect Offline and Digital Marketing for Roofing Company Marketing


Connecting offline and digital marketing strategies for a holistic approach to finding more leads can help increase the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

For example, use direct mail campaigns to drive traffic to your website or social media pages. You can also use social media or postcards to promote your offline events, such as trade shows and community events.

Include your website and social media links on all your offline marketing materials, including business cards and brochures.

Use Direct Mail

Direct mail can be an effective way to support a holistic approach to marketing that includes inbound marketing tactics. Consider creating a postcard or flyer with information about your services and contact information. You can also include a special offer, such as a discount on services or a free inspection.

A strategic direct mail campaign can be especially effective when targeting specific neighborhoods or areas with a high concentration of potential customers. Use mailers to direct people to your website or click a QR code for offers to track leads.

Incorporate Brochures for Better Roofing Contractor Marketing

Brochures can be an excellent way to provide potential customers with information about your services, either through the mail or at events. Include information about your experience and qualifications, as well as a list of your services and contact information.

When creating brochures, use high-quality images and design elements to make them stand out. You can also use brochures to promote special offers and discounts.

Make Postcards Part of Your Roofing Marketing Plan

Postcard marketing can be an effective tool for roofing companies. They are inexpensive to produce and can be targeted to specific neighborhoods or areas with a high concentration of potential customers.

When developing your postcard strategy, consider including a special offer, such as a discount on services or a free inspection, to help motivate recipients to contact your business. Make sure to include your contact information and a clear call to action on your postcard.

What to Include In a Roofing Marketing Services Catalog

A roofing services catalog can also be a valuable tool for promoting your services to potential customers.

Include information about your experience and qualifications, as well as a list of your services and pricing information. Use high-quality images and design elements to make your catalog visually appealing. Consider including customer testimonials and case studies to help build trust with potential customers.

How to Optimize Inbound Marketing Efforts for Roofers


We've covered a lot of offline marketing strategies in this resource, but it's crucial to think of your roofing marketing efforts with a holistic approach. Offline and online strategies work best together for a robust plan that delivers the leads you need for growth.

Inbound marketing is a strategy that focuses on attracting potential customers through content marketing, search engine optimization, and social media marketing. To optimize your inbound marketing efforts (along with your offline components), create high-quality content relevant to your target audience.

This can include blog posts, videos, and social media posts. This content can also drive messaging for postcards, direct mail pieces, or offers promoted at events and through networking.

When creating content, use keywords related to roofing and home improvement to improve your search engine rankings. You can also use social media to engage with potential customers and promote your content. Finally, make sure to track your results and adjust your strategy as needed to improve your ROI.

Critical Components for Every Roofing Marketing Plan

Components for Every Roofing Marketing strategy

When planning how to market a roofing company, make sure you include the following components for success!

  1. A clear understanding of your target audience and their needs
  2. A strong brand identity that sets you apart from competitors
  3. A variety of marketing tactics that reach potential customers across different channels
  4. A system for tracking and measuring your results to improve your ROI
  5. A commitment to ongoing testing and optimization to ensure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts

A healthy mix of digital marketing for roofing companies and offline methods can help you gather the leads you need to outrank your competitors.

How to Identify Your Target Audience


While the strategy and execution for each marketing effort can vary, identifying your target audience is a critical first step.

Remember: your target audience may vary depending on the campaign goal and execution. For every campaign, start by considering the demographics of your ideal customer, such as age, income, and location. Think about the specific problems that your services can solve for this audience and tailor your messaging accordingly.

You can also use market research tools and partner with a roofing digital marketing agency to gather data on your target audience and refine your marketing strategy.

Get More Insights Into Strategies for Roofing Contractor Marketing Success 

The right roofing marketing strategies are critical to the success of any roofing contractor, but it can be difficult to know where to focus your efforts. By using a variety of marketing tactics, including networking, referrals, trade shows, partnerships, and a holistic approach incorporating offline and digital marketing techniques, you can reach potential customers and grow your business. To get more insights into how to put these strategies (and more) into practice for your roofing business, download our free resource, "Marketing a Roofing Company: Enhancing Your Digital Strategy With Offline Efforts."
