Property Management Marketing: Creating Social Posts
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Property Management Marketing: Creating Social Posts
Social media is more than just a place to post a status or check on the number of new "likes" on your property management company's Facebook page. Using social media effectively is a critical part of your property management marketing program! Your social media platforms help drive potential customers to your website content, lead them to your sales funnel, or generate energy for your marketing flywheel.
Before you fill your platforms with fun or silly posts, we can tell you that an effective social media strategy isn't as easy as posting gifs or memes every day of the week—although sometimes the right meme can be useful!
Successful social media posts require a combination of content, creativity, and research: your audience is primarily using social media to either laugh or learn.
When building the social posts for your property management business, follow these expert tips from Geekly Media to maximize your reach.
Be Relevant
Yes, your social posts should talk about property management—but you're not limited to the basics of what a property manager does when engaging your social media audience. Get creative and post current content that connects with your target audience.
- What's happening in the world?
- What's going on in the industry?
- What's the market situation in your area?
- What are problems that a property manager can resolve?
Addressing real-time situational issues can be challenging—especially when social media moves at the speed of light. Today's news could be "old" news by the time your post goes public—but it's worth it to stay on top of industry news, current events related to property owners, and to make sure your post content relates to the needs of property owners now.
Be Content-Driven
The primary purpose of social media is to drive traffic as part of your property management marketing strategy. You're generating blog content for your website, and your social media posts should help bring more visitors to your site to engage with your content.
Every month, include a balance of posts that bring more traffic to the content on your site that helps confirm you as "the" property management expert in your area.
- Link to your relevant blogs: Add verbiage to your social posts to generate interest, cause viewers to click your links, and read your content.
- Link to your free resources: Your social media posts should add value to your consumers! Include links for visitors to download free property management resources.
Social media helps you spread the word about your content and expertise. Make sure you have excellent content to attract your target audience and help them realize they need your services!
Be Validated
Part of what makes you a property management expert is your connection to other professional resources. You may be thinking: Why post links to external third-party sources that talk about property management when you are the expert?
It's a way to build third-party validation: you can talk about how to screen tenants or the importance of regular property inspections—over and over again—and your insight is valuable because you are the expert! However, when consumers hear the same type of expertise from additional sources, it boosts the validity of what you do and say.
Think of third-party links as a way to help customers (and potential new customers) confirm that what you say is the best advice by pointing them to additional sources that validate what you say and recommend.
Be Careful With Third-Party Links
Third-party validation links are valuable to the social media aspect of your property management marketing. However, the wrong links can work against you and cost you a new customer.
- Only use reputable sources: If you're scrolling down beyond page five or six of the search engine results for a topic, you risk linking (and aligning yourself to) a source that isn't credible. Third-party links should boost your reputation—not cause consumers to question your expertise or affiliations.
- Never post to competitor websites: This can get tricky! Some of the top search results could include articles from other property management companies. However, unless you want to send your customers to a competitor's website, avoid those links.
It can take some time and effort to find the right mix of third-party links:
- Sometimes competitor links are buried in the text of an article.
- Other links might lead to a site that lacks professionalism.
Always review outside links thoroughly before offering them to your social media audience as a reputable source that supports what you offer as a property manager.
Property Management Marketing Experts Craft Social Media Strategies
It's tempting to think of social media posts as "frivolous" or unnecessary—but without a solid social media strategy, you're selling your property management marketing efforts short! As the property management expert, you must keep doing what you do best while the property management marketing experts help you find more leads to build your business.
Let Geekly Media help build your social media marketing strategy and content: we are your expert for property management marketing! We'll develop your social media strategy to position you as the property management expert for your market.
Even with an excellent social presence; if you lack a website to match the content you're producing, you'll lose clients when you drive them to your website from your social media. To overcome this, take advantage of our expertise! We'll analyze your site from top to bottom to ensure it's converting the leads you bring in from your social posts.