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Optimize Your Property Management Workflows With Automation

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Optimize Your Property Management Workflows With Automation

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Following up with Qualified Leads Quickly Is Key!

Excellent leads make themselves known: they download your content offer, fill out a contact form, or even call your office. However, the minute a property management lead makes contact with you; the clock begins ticking.

Landlords who are reaching out want to know that you can help them with their work. Yes, they may genuinely want a response from you and may even wait patiently for it.

However, every hour that passes between their query and your answer could be time for them to lose interest:

  • Prospective and current landlords might find another, more responsive property management team.
  • They might find a post online that convinces them to go it alone as a landlord.
  • Perhaps they might start to doubt whether their relationship with your company would be the best thing for their landlord's journey.

All of these possibilities get in the way of you gaining a new client—and more doors under management.

One of the caveats of content marketing and inbound marketing alike is that, once you get a response or a contact from a potential lead, you must strike while the iron is hot.

Quickly responding accomplishes many things at once:

  • First, it is always a good sign to your potential client if they get a quick response. It makes you seem like you value their business and would be similarly responsive if you were working as their property management company. You are establishing your reputation as the company that will answer their calls right away.
  • Second, it establishes that you, as a company, are still active. With the number of lingering, neglected websites after a company "goes under," the lead may just be trying to reassure him or herself that your company exists! Therefore, the response you give is valuable.
  • Third, you start the conversation while property management is on your potential lead's mind. Even a few hours or a day later, they may be thinking about something very different, and getting them in the mindset to sign up becomes that much harder.
  • Fourth, you can offer value to the potential client just by responding to their question. They may get one piece of information "for free" from you, but in exchange, you've established yourself as an expert and as a potentially valuable team member for them in the future.

So how can you develop systems to ensure that your follow-ups are fast? There are more ways than you might think! Consider some or all of the following:

Use Scheduling Software to Make Phone Calls Easy

Happy businessman on the phone in front of laptopThere's no real excuse, even if you are getting bombarded with potential clients. There has to be an easy way to contact you as a property management company! Make this easy by using a calendar that can publicly schedule a phone call with one quick click: HubSpot's Meeting Tool, Calendly, Acuity Scheduling, or SimplyBook are some popular options.

The goal is to make it so easy to schedule an appointment with you that people will do it rather than sending an email. This is especially important when they are motivated to find a property management company.

Automate Workflows with Customizable Emails

Your CRM should offer the option to create automated paths for new client leads customized for how those leads come to you.

For instance, a property management workflow for a new contact form message might be to send a cheerful email within a specific amount of time to the lead to confirm receipt. You might also send an instant message to an available salesperson to follow up with the lead immediately. A contact form for a rental analysis would send a different, more targeted email, and so forth. With the right software, all marketing automations can be customized to deliver the perfect response to each action a lead takes on your site.

Distributing information in a digital world-1You can automate your property management workflows in the way that makes the most sense for the size and style of your property management sales team, too. Letting some of the work be done by automatic emails that are honed to fit the voice of your company is just smart business!

Curious about other property management best practices? Make sure to read our other blogs!

Evaluate Your Process Often to Catch Slow Response Times

Even with email automation and easy scheduling, you may find that a certain kind of request is being neglected. You could unearth a dusty old "info@your website" email that no one has been checking and realize that it should have been forwarding but wasn't. Don't let missing leads in the past result in losing leads in the future! Consistently re-evaluate whether any contacts are arriving without being immediately greeted and acknowledged. Responding to the needs of your potential leads should be a top priority. This can mean asking hard questions: 

  • What change is needed if you have to return to too many leads?
  • What should you do if not enough of them are converting?

It's essential to evaluate whether new strategies are needed to improve the quality or quantity of leads. The issue truly might be a need to overhaul how you respond to the leads you already have.

No matter how many qualified leads you have, Geekly Media is here to help you optimize your content marketing efforts! As a HubSpot Diamond Agency Partner, we are experts in property management marketing workflow automation. In property management, your marketing and your systems work hand in hand. Reach out to us today to see how your business can optimize both!

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