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Man Cannot Live on AI Alone: Insights from Inbound 2024 and the Importance of Humanizing Your AI Content

Written by Justine Poffel | 2:21 PM on September 20, 2024

Hello From Inbound 2024

I’m currently at HubSpots Inbound 2024, soaking in incredible insights from some of the biggest minds in marketing, and one session that truly stood out was Neil Patel’s talk about content creation in the AI age. His talk, entitled "Content is NOT King," was packed with eye-opening data and ideas, especially for those of us working in marketing in industries like property management, real estate, and home services.

While AI is undeniably changing the content landscape, Neil’s message was clear—human marketers aren’t just important; we’re more critical than ever. And after reflecting on this, I couldn’t agree more. Automation can do a lot for property managers, but the human touch is irreplaceable.

Key Takeaways and Insights

Neil emphasized more than a few game-changing metrics, but one of the most striking was the overwhelming amount of content produced globally daily. This astronomical metric is the reason why simply creating more content isn’t the answer.

The content has to be strategic, relevant, and most importantly, human.

My take? ​With 7 million blog articles published daily, it's a jungle out there! If you’re just adding noise, you’ll get lost in the shuffle. The key isn’t more content—it’s better content. We make our focus relevance, human connection, and creating value that stands out. In today’s crowded digital world, it’s not about how much you say, but how well you say it!

AI Alone? Not So Fast - Humans Still Have the Edge!

Neil emphasized a key point: AI-only content often underperforms compared to content created through a human-AI collaboration, and even then, fully human-written content with a personal touch still reigns supreme. His reasoning? AI lacks the emotional intelligence, creativity, and nuance that humans bring to the table.

My take? This is particularly relevant for the property management and housing industries. While AI helps us automate and streamline tasks, it's the human insight, industry expertise, and ability to connect that truly drive results. AI can assist, but it can’t replace the human touch when it comes to crafting relatable content that resonates with property owners and tenants alike. It’s about finding the right balance—leveraging AI for efficiency while ensuring the human element stays front and center.

Have You Ever Heard of Tiktokification?

Today’s digital consumers crave short, snappy, and engaging media. What I found refreshing and reassuring, was Niel's emphasis on keeping things simple. You don’t need a fancy production crew or a polished script. Authenticity is king. Just grab your phone, talk directly to your audience, and you’ll see genuine engagement.

For property managers and real estate pros, this approach is a game-changer. Raw, authentic content builds trust and shows your personality, which resonates with your clients.

My take? This shift is huge for industries like property management, where transparency and building relationships are essential. It’s not about perfection—it’s about being real, relatable, and connecting with your audience on a personal level. People trust people, not polished ads. So, go ahead and create that quick video. Whether it’s showcasing a property, answering tenant FAQs, or discussing market trends, your audience will appreciate the human touch.

How These Insights Apply to Property Management Marketing

AI tools are fantastic for automating tasks, speeding up workflows, and helping create more content, but this doesn’t mean AI is doing all the work for your marketing team. The true magic happens when human marketers leverage AI to optimize strategies while injecting the authenticity and personal insights that resonate most with your audience.

  1. AI-Powered Strategy, Human-Powered Results: AI can help us research keywords, analyze trends, and even produce a first draft. But it’s human marketers who craft messaging that connects with property owners, home services professionals, and tenants in meaningful ways.
  2. Relevancy Over Quantity: As Neil said, it's not just about more content, it’s about relevant content. Property managers need blogs, videos, and social posts that answer the specific questions property owners and tenants are asking. AI can help generate ideas, but only humans can align that with what truly matters to your audience.
  3. Short-Form Video is King for Property Managers Too: Whether it’s explaining a new leasing process, showing off a property, or sharing a testimonial, simple, short-form videos are incredibly effective. High production value isn’t necessary—just being real and addressing your audience’s pain points is.

Why Humans Still Matter - A Lot

I get asked all the time: “Is AI stealing your job?” Honestly, AI is more of a sidekick than a threat. AI helps with efficiency and automation, but it’s human insight, creativity, and strategy that drive results.

In property management marketing, AI can analyze data and assist with tasks, but it can’t build relationships or craft the messaging that resonates. So, no—AI isn’t stealing my job; it’s just helping me do it even better!

Automation tools like HubSpot Breeze AI are incredible assets, but they’re not a replacement for human strategy and creativity.


  • AI isn’t nuanced: Property managers need more than robotic content; you need personalized strategies that resonate with real people.
  • AI doesn’t have industry expertise: It’s human marketers who understand the specific nuances of property management, like tenant communications, lease renewals, and owner acquisitions.

We know that property managers and home service professionals want results, and that’s where we come in—using AI strategically to streamline processes but always ensuring the human touch that drives real engagement and profitability.

When In Doubt - Speak to a Geek!

The future of content marketing is here, and while AI plays a big role, the human element is still the most important part of driving results, especially in industries like property management. So, while AI helps us create and automate more efficiently, it’s our experience, creativity, and understanding of your unique business needs that drive success.

And if you’re ready to bring this balance of AI-powered efficiency and human-driven strategy to your property management business, let’s talk! As your Fractional CMO, my team at Geekly Media and I will work as an extension of your company, driving growth through personalized marketing, automation, and operational strategies. Whether you need a fresh marketing strategy, improved lead generation, or streamlined operations, we’ve got you covered. Let’s take your business to the next level together!

Justine Poffel is the Chief Marketing Officer at Geekly Media, where they drive innovative marketing strategies tailored to the property management industry. With over two decades of experience, Justine has expertise in digital marketing, sales enablement, and process automation. Her unique blend of creativity, data-driven decision-making, and industry knowledge helps the Geekly Media team create customized marketing strategies and innovative HubSpot solutions that drive growth and profitability.