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How to Generate and Nurture Owner and Tenant Leads in Property Management

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How to Generate and Nurture Owner and Tenant Leads in Property Management

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Property management company leads bring new doors under your management circle, fill vacancies, generate revenue, and keep your business flowing smoothly. How much revenue a property management company brings in is directly related to how well it facilitates and nurtures leads. Most of your day-to-day workflows should be dedicated to bringing in new leads and following up to convert leads into clients.

Automating property management workflows such as marketing and sorting leads brings higher efficiency to your day and allows for better customer service to any prospect on the phone, online, or in your office. Providing excellent customer service is one of the best ways to nurture leads in your property management company's pipeline. The following tips cover how to brings new leads in and provide exceptional service to nurture leads into clients.

Online Marketing

The majority of people find their new home to rent or company to manage their home through online searches first. It is vital your website draws page clicks and reviews and showcases the exceptional service you provide. Display your company's contact information prominently throughout your site, so there is no question of how to get ahold of you. A 'Contact Us' box at the end of every page is a good idea, so viewers can act quickly to submit their information to you. 

The Importance of Google Reviews

When searching for a new property management company, many people rely on Google reviews to tell them how much the company can provide. Monitoring your reviews is crucial to maintaining a positive online reputation. If there is ever a negative review posted, do your best to track down the disgruntled client and make things right before asking them to take down their criticism or alter their review. Be sure every person who calls or walks into your office receives the utmost respect and care.

Reputation Management

Targeted Ad Space

Purchasing online ads can be very helpful in generating new leads. To maximize your advertising investment, make sure your ads are being seen by the right people—prospective tenants and owners. Your ad will be displayed on Google after a specific set of keywords is typed in the search bar. These keywords could be a search for rental homes in your city or property management companies in your state. If your selected keywords match what the user searched for, your company's website will display above regular search results in the Google ad space.

Optimize Your Website

To draw visitors to your site, updated frequently with useful information. Keep content SEO optimized and full of inbound content marketing to make your site appear on searches often. Let your compassionate customer care shine through the text your postings to encourage follow up, and foster leads calling you after reading the material you have posted.

Email Lists

Your website and office should have a method for potential clients to be added to an email list. A right call to action at the bottom of your website could be "Join our email list to stay notified of new potential rent homes!" When prospects come into the office and are unable to find a rental home that fits their needs, add them to the email list so they can be the first to know of homes for rent. Your property management company's social media can also be a significant lead generating tool. Just keep frequent updates equipped with your contact information to keep you in easy access. Encourage any prospect who messages through Facebook to give your office a call. 

Nurturing Your Leads 

Once you have generated a good number of leads, your next steps can make the difference in your lead conversion rate. Nurturing leads is a delicate balance between keeping prospects interested with appealing contact and driving them away with too much interaction. If any lead ever asks to be "taken off your list" or not contacted anymore, thank them for their time and immediately withdraw any communication. Over-contacting leads can turn excellent customer service into lousy customer service—fast.

Respond Quickly

When someone requests more information online, act as quickly as possible to keep their interest, and show excellent customer service. One of the quickest ways to lose a lead is by making them feel like they don't matter. When browsing online, most people are eager for an answer to their question right away—do your best not to deny them of that. Owner prospect calls should be the highest priority and be spoken to by a manager right away. Heavily monitor any inquiry emails coming from a syndication site and keep a very brief turnaround time on your response. If you can, reach out by phone and email. Show your lead you are there to help in any way possible. 

Check-In Often

If, against your best efforts, nothing is closed in that first contact, keep the lead's contact information recorded and make a point to check with them every few days or once a week. Unless they request it, check-ins do not have to always be by phone. You can also send them a quick email to see if they have any needs you can assist with. This shows you handle every client as a top priority.

Check in Often

As much as possible, ask to set up an appointment for a phone call with them periodically to foster a relationship with the client. The more you show that you care about providing them excellent service, the more likely they are to choose to do business with your property management company.

Generate and Convert More Leads With Geekly Media

If this seems like a lot to handle, regardless of what stage your property management company is in, Geekly Media is here for you! As experts in property management marketing and workflow automation, we work with a lot of clients who are offering amazing service but don't have the time to translate that into amazing lead capture. Get in touch with us for a consultation; let us show you how we can maximize your workflows to generate and nurture more leads!

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