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How to Attract Clients: 5 Tips for Property Managers

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How to Attract Clients: 5 Tips for Property Managers

Published May 24, 2018. Updated August 9, 2023.

No matter how many clients you have, attracting new business is always a priority. New clients will diversify your management portfolio, bring in additional revenue, and help you grow.

However, property managers can never know when an investor might decide to sell off their properties or change management companies. Even if you feel like you have enough contracts (today) and aren't looking to bring in new business, maintaining consistent marketing efforts and nurturing leads will ensure that you can bring on clients when you need to.

Here are five ways we help our clients with property management marketing for successful lead generation.

1. Clearly Define Your Value Proposition

A unique value proposition (UVP) stands at the core of every successful brand.

As we've touched on before, this value proposition isn't just a catchphrase or a marketing buzzword. Rather, it is a well-articulated message from your brand that effectively communicates to potential customers the distinctive advantages they'll receive by choosing your products or services.

In today's competitive market, merely listing features or benefits isn't enough. Instead, consumers are actively seeking clarity on what they stand to gain or how their pressing challenges can be resolved by associating with a brand.

They want specifics.

  • How will your company alleviate their pain points?

  • How will your services cater to their unique demands?

For instance, if you're catering to new rental property owners, they may be overwhelmed with the multifaceted demands of managing their property. They'd want to know how your company can simplify these tasks, reduce their stress, or possibly provide an innovative solution they haven't considered before.

Furthermore, consumers are always on the lookout for the best option. With multiple brands vying for their attention, it becomes pivotal for your brand to highlight what sets it apart. This differentiation could stem from various aspects — it might be unparalleled customer service, innovative product features, longer warranty periods, cost-effectiveness, or even a deep-rooted commitment to sustainability.

Lastly, local competition plays a significant role. Every community or locality has its homegrown brands that might have a loyal customer base due to years of trust and reliability.

For a newcomer or even for brands looking to expand, it's not just about being better on a global scale but also about understanding and addressing the local nuances. Why should a customer switch their allegiance to your brand? Your UVP should compellingly answer this, emphasizing not just the high-level quality standards of your property management services but also the local preferences and needs you cater to.

In essence, a strong UVP isn't a mere statement but a promise!

2. Define Your Market

Property ownership, though lucrative, comes with its set of challenges. Owners are perpetually on the lookout for professionals who can manage their assets effectively.

However, here's the thing — owners don't just want any property manager. They desire a collaboration where there's a mutual eagerness to work together, creating a harmonious, productive partnership. One key element that fosters such partnerships is the alignment of geographic and property type preferences between property managers and owners.

Clearly defining your service parameters is not just for operational efficiency but also effective market positioning. When you distinctly outline the specific geographic regions you cater to, the kinds of properties you specialize in, and the type of clientele you're best suited to serve, you're essentially making it easier for potential clients to pinpoint and select your services.

This is especially true in the digital age, where most searches begin online.

Consider this: A property owner, whether based in your market or investing there from halfway around the world, will turn to search engines like Google for assistance. They might be explicitly seeking a property manager for their single-family home in Detroit, Michigan.

So, their search query might be something like "property manager in Detroit, MI for single-family home." Alternatively, if they're already local, they might just input "residential management company near me."

To effectively tap into this pool of prospective clients, it's essential that your marketing messages — whether on your website, advertisements, or sales pitches — highlight the regions you operate in and the property types you handle.

This isn't just about SEO optimization, though that's a part of it; it's about clearly conveying to potential clients through your marketing efforts and in your sales pitch that you're the perfect fit for their specific needs.

3. Create a Dynamic Inbound Marketing Campaign


Inbound marketing graphic


As we venture further into the digital age, it's becoming increasingly clear that inbound marketing is not just a fleeting trend but the future of marketing across diverse industries, not just limited to property management.

So, what exactly does 'inbound marketing' mean, and how does it differ from traditional marketing methods?

Traditional marketing, which many of us have grown up witnessing, is interruptive in nature. It's those television commercials that break into our favorite shows, the billboards that dot highways, the pop-up ads on websites, or the radio spots that interrupt our song playlists.

In essence, traditional marketing operates by pushing a brand's message onto consumers, often irrespective of whether they're interested or even if it's the right time for them.

In contrast, inbound marketing flips this approach on its head. Rather than intruding upon potential customers' spaces, inbound marketing is about creating relevant content, platforms, and experiences tailored to draw consumers in when they're actively seeking information or solutions. The core philosophy here is to allow consumers to discover the value a brand offers on their own terms, leading them to organically develop an interest in the brand's services or products.

While the idea of consumers actively seeking out your brand might sound like a marketer's dream scenario, it isn't a fantasy. In reality, the digital era has empowered consumers to research, compare, and make informed decisions like never before. The rise of search engines and search engine optimization, blogs, social media, and other online platforms means that brands have multiple avenues to establish their expertise, share valuable insights, and nurture potential customers without overtly selling to them.

4. Develop Professional Marketing Materials

The property management industry is as much about perception as it is about service. While the digital realm has indeed transformed how businesses acquire leads, it's crucial to remember that the tangible world outside the internet still holds significant sway in influencing decisions.

Thus, every touchpoint, whether virtual or physical, should exude professionalism and reflect your brand's commitment to quality.

Contrary to what some might believe, cutting corners on marketing materials for property management companies can have lasting repercussions. Resorting to do-it-yourself printing solutions might seem like a cost-effective approach initially. Still, it often compromises the quality and durability of the material, which can inadvertently portray your business as amateurish or lacking in dedication.

Key marketing collateral like business cards, flyers, and yard signs often serve as the initial point of contact between your property management company and potential clients. These aren't just pieces of paper or plastic but representatives of your brand's ethos and standards. A professionally designed business card can initiate a conversation, a well-crafted flyer can tell a story, and a quality yard sign can establish authority and reliability in a neighborhood.

5. Ensure Brand Marketing and Consistency


Brand marketing strategy graphic

Your brand should be clearly defined and easily recognizable so potential clients can remember you easily.

So, do you have a clearly defined brand? Can you answer yes to these five questions?

  1. Does your brand tell a story unique to you?

  2. Does your brand have a personality and identity, and can your employees define it?

  3. Could an outsider determine what sets your brand apart from other similar companies?

  4. Does your brand have a consistent look and tone across all platforms?

  5. Does your brand have a clearly defined unique value proposition?

If you cannot answer yes to most of these questions, consider how difficult it may be for your potential clients to determine what your company is about and whether it is a good fit for them.

A hard-to-understand brand isn't memorable. If it is, it's for the wrong reasons. Creating a positive, memorable brand that instills confidence in current and potential customers is crucial for your company's growth through property management marketing strategies!

Learn More About How to Attract Clients With Geekly Media

If you master these five ways to attract new clients, you should never have a hard time finding new clients and keeping your property management business thriving! However, becoming proficient in these five areas takes time and experience. Meanwhile, you have a property management company to run and clients and tenants to keep happy.

We help property managers do these five things (and more) daily to find new leads, maintain current contacts, and position their company for growth when they are ready. If you'd like to learn more about our approach to property management marketing and how we can support your business goals, reach out to the Geekly Media team!

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